Use basic hand tools, tire tools, alignment machines, brake lathe, air wrench, and other essential tools to perform the job.
Determine vehicle condition by conducting inspections and diagnostic tests and identifying worn and damaged parts.
Maintain equipment available for use by completing preventive maintenance schedules; installing component and part upgrades; controlling corrosion; completing winterization procedures.
Correct vehicle deficiencies by removing, repairing, adjusting, overhauling, assembling, disassembling, and replacing major assemblies, sub-assemblies, components, parts, or systems, such as, power and drive trains, electrical, air conditioning, fuel, emission, brake, steering, hydraulics; completes machine shop operations; making adjustments and alignments including bearing loads, gear tooth contact, valve mechanisms, governors, oil systems, control linkages, clutches, and traction units.
Verify vehicle performance by conducting test drives, adjusting controls and systems.
Comply with federal and state vehicle requirements by testing engine, safety, and combustion control standards.
Maintain vehicle records by annotating services and repairs.
Keep a clean service area.
Monday thru Friday. No weekends.
Other duties can and will arise, and candidate should be prepared to take on these challenges openly.